About Us

Galaxy Media was formed in 2011 by individuals with many years of hands-on experience in airport advertising. Since that date Galaxy Media has been instrumental in assisting clients throughout the world. We specialize in renting rental bike systems, OOH Advertising Displays, Airport Advertising displays through a number of markets for several clients that we represent. With a perfectly blended integrated team, that brings together a number of markets we support a vast majority of hub airports.

Our team works hard to help clients create and be effective with their campaign. This combination has been extremely powerful in finalizing campaigns.

Our team has been creating, building, and choosing the right media for a number of brands. We go the extra mile for the clients from advertising campaigns to below the line activities, face-to-face and a whole lot more. Basically, we are trying to make a choice of media for clients that are impossible to ignore.

We provide a wide range of airport advertising solutions for all budgets, targeting passengers in high profile locations on a numbers of markets using stimulating media to maximise the effectiveness.

What We Do

We are trying hard to provide clients with what is best for their campaigns through a very well thought media brief. We provide a Strategy Checklist. This Strategy Checklist is then put against our benchmarks and in this way we establish the best media KPIs for the specific brands. Against those findings, then we go out in the market and look how to fulfill that challenge.

Through the development of the Media KPIs, we define metrics that influence the highest Return on Investment (ROI) for our clients. We provide a concrete rational for budget setting and we try to achieve a media mix optimization, by making the right choice, with the right formats and the right markets.

Key Success Factors

  • We provide a calendar showing the exact path for implementation
  • We provide details of our team (who/what/when)
  • We agree on the communication tools, layout and content
  • We provide feedback and a post campaign analysis

Portfolio Gallery

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Galaxy Media Inc.

Head Office
Ground Floor, Suite 51, Fleeming Road
E17 5ET, London, UK

Galaxy Media Inc © 2020. All the rights are reserved.